Every diopter counts in childhood myopia management



Myopia is a Global Concern


It is estimated that by 2050: 5 billion people, half of the global population, could have myopia*.

Annual myopia progression rate is most rapid under 10 years of age¹. Significantly greater rates of progression can be seen especially in children with high myopia*.

High myopia could affect 1 billion people, or 10% of the global population by 2050*.

HOYA Vision Care is committed to continue fighting this problem through advances in technology and innovation, allowing children to lead fuller, and more inclusive lives. Together, we are shaping the future of vision care with MiYOSMART.

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Myopia Management Solution

MiYOSMART, the smart way to manage myopia in children
MiYOSMART lenses | Verres MiYOSMART

A revolutionary technology

With the exclusive non-invasive D.I.M.S. Technology, MiYOSMART spectacle lens corrects the visual defect on its entire surface and has a ring shaped treatment area to slow down myopia progression. The alternation of the focus and defocus are provides clear vision and manages myopia simultaneously.²

MiYOSMART lenses | Verres MiYOSMART
Teenager reading a book | Adolescent lisant un livre

An innovative spectacle lens

MiYOSMART based on revolutionary Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (D.I.M.S.) Technology was developed in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. MiYOSMART is easy to fit, just like regular single vision lens. There are no limitations for the frame choice.

In 2018, the MiYOSMART lens won the Gold Prize, Grand Award & Special Gold Award International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland. In 2020, it won the Silmo d’Or Award in the Vision category at the Silmo Paris Optical Fair.

Teenager reading a book | Adolescent lisant un livre

Every Dioptre Counts

Children with higher myopia prescriptions can now benefit from D.I.M.S. technology

Reaching new heights

We are excited to introduce a broader power range of MiYOSMART clear spectacle lenses, accommodating prescriptions up to −13.00D. With this extended power range, MiYOSMART spectacle lenses can better serve myopic patients with high prescriptions, meeting the diverse needs of the myopic population more effectively.


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Key Features and Benefits


MiYOSMART now provides extensive features to improve vision outcomes in as many children as possible.

Extended Power Range

NOW up to -13.00 D (+4.00 CYL), accommodating high myopia and astigmatism, with the highest minus power of up to -13.00D with +4.00 CYL.


Larger Lens Diameter

This aims to meet every child’s needs and morphology, allowing them to find the perfect style to suit their active lifestyle.

Optimized Edge Thickness

This enhances the aesthetic appeal of the lens, addressing a common concern related to the appearance of thick high-prescription lenses.


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The importance of outdoor time and sun protection
Outdoor time & sun protection Awareness Campaign for Miyosmart Sun Spectacles

Designed to fit a child’s active life

Myopic children who wear spectacle lenses need a solution that will slow myopia progression, as well as protecting them from harmful UV rays and intense sunlight MiYOSMART sun.

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Outdoor time & sun protection Awareness Campaign for Miyosmart Sun Spectacles

Confidence through Evidence

Overview of MiYOSMART Evidence

More than 50 publications from across the globe conducted on the MiYOSMART D.I.M.S. Technology over the years.

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3-year Follow-up Study

Myopia management effect of defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS) spectacle lens in Chinese children: results of a 3-year follow-up study (BJO).

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6-year Follow-up Study

Long-term myopia management effect and safety in children wearing DIMS spectacle lenses for 6 years.

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2-year Randomized Clinical Trial

Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomized clinical trial (BJO).

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The outstanding products and excellence in service

At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form below.

Disclaimer: MiYOSMART spectacle lenses have not been approved for use in the management of Myopia in all countries, including the U.S., and are not currently available for sale in all countries, including the U.S.


  • *Holden B.A., Fricke T.R., Wilson D.A., Jong M., Naidoo K.S., Sankaridurg P., Wong T.Y., Naduvilath T.J., Resniko S. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. American Academy of Ophthalmology. 05/2016, vol.123, no. 5, p.1036–1042.
  • 1. Qian Z, Peng T, Lou J ,et al. Myopia progression and stabilization in school-aged children with single-vision lenses. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022; 100(4):e950-e956
  • 2. Lam CSY, Tang WC, Tse DY, Lee RPK, Chun RKM, Hasegawa K, Qi H, Hatanaka T, To CH. Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomized clinical trial. British Journal of Ophthalmology. Published Online First: 29 May 2019. doi: 10.1136/ bjophthalmol-2018-313739
  • 3. Ho CL, Wu WF, Liou YM. Dose-Response Relationship of Outdoor Exposure and Myopia Indicators: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Various Research Methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(14):2595.
  • 4. WSPOS. Sunlight Exposure & Children’s Eyes Consensus Statement. 2016. Available at: https://www.wspos.org/wspos-sunlight-exposure-childrens-eyes-consensus-statement/ (Last accessed 20/02/2023)
  • 5. Lakkis C, Weidemann K. Evaluation of the performance of photochromic spectacle lenses in children and adolescents aged 10 to 15 years. Clin Exp Optom. 2006;89(4):246-252.
  • 6. Renzi-Hammond LM, Hammond BR Jr. The effects of photochromic lenses on visual performance. Clin Exp Optom. 2016;99(6):568-574.
  • 7. Wu PC, Kuo HK. Effect of photochromic spectacles on visual symptoms and contrast sensitivity of myopic schoolchildren treated with low dose concentration atropine. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:2484.
  • 8. HOYA data on file. Transmission, traffic light recognition, and UV blocking test for MiYOSMART clear and MiYOSMART sun spectacle lenses. 02/2023. Tests were conducted at room temperature (23°C).
  • 9. HOYA data on file: Expert consensus (/globalassets/__new-hoya-website-asset/01_visionproduct/miyosmart/8018.pdf) - Myopia Management in High Myopia hoya-website-asset/01_vision-product/miyosmart/8017.pdf). 04/2024
  • *As per EN ISO 8980-3:2013 and ANSI Z80.3-2015 Standards.
  • ††Assuming photochromic spectacle lenses are used at all times or in addition to MiYOSMART clear spectacles lenses, or polarized spectacle lenses are used in addition to MiYOSMART clear spectacle lenses. Patients should always consult their Eye Care Professionals for treatment decisions and instructions for use.