Let us help you choose the right frame, lens and coating for you

Choose your lens

Man looking out | Homme regardant au loin

Choose lenses

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Man reading his book at home | Homme lisant son livre à la maison

Choose your lenses

At the end of the day, it's only you who can evaluate and prioritize your own preferences. That's why your engagement in choosing lenses will result in better vision!

Find out which factors are important to consider when you are about to choose your new lenses. 

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Man reading his book at home | Homme lisant son livre à la maison

Choose lens coatings

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Man covered with mud except for his lenses | Homme couvert de boue, sauf sur ses verres

Choose your lens coatings

Annoyed by scratches, dirt and reflections? Protect your lenses with a premium lens coating from Hoya, Super HiVision Meiryo EX4.

Discover super HiVision Meiryo EX4
Man covered with mud except for his lenses | Homme couvert de boue, sauf sur ses verres

Choose frames

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Man boiling water for tea | Homme faisant bouillir de l'eau pour le thé

Choose your frames

Choosing frames is very much about emphasizing some facial and other characteristics while outbalancing others. Read about the four main factors to consider.

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Man boiling water for tea | Homme faisant bouillir de l'eau pour le thé

Looking after lenses

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Sensity Dark Interior Designer Clear RGB

Looking after your lenses

What are the dos and don'ts when looking after your lenses?

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Sensity Dark Interior Designer Clear RGB

Take care of your vision

Visit your Eye Care Professional regularly to have your eyes examined. In between examinations, if you notice a change in or are concerned about your eyesight, contact your nearest HOYA Vision Eye Care Professional.


HOYA Vision lenses offer vision correction and its coatings/treatments can also protect your eyes. Detecting and treating problems early can help maintain good vision for the rest of your life.

Find an Eye Care Professional Near You