Advanced technology for comfortable vision

Hoyalux iD Balansis

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Relaxed vision everywhere you go

Hoyalux iD Balansis is the result of advanced technologies focused on a single benefit: bringing back that comfortable feeling for even more of you. The lenses provide great visual comfort, allowing you to perform at your best during all everyday activities, at every viewing distance. You will benefit from a natural transition to near-vision areas, for an instant focus on the many digital devices we use during our day-to-day activities.

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Meeting your vision needs

Research into what progressive wearers find important in new glasses has led to a unanimous conclusion: comfortable vision. Expectations that are on top of everyone’s wish list are easy adaptation and stable vision(1). An attractive price or appearance consistently come second. Hoyalux iD Balansis is HOYA’s response to these expectations

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Addressing the swim and sway effect.

Stable View Enhancer, our digital evaluation method, corrects for dynamic distortion. No matter how active the wearer’s life, the image remains stable. So with Hoyalux Balansis, you can provide patients clear viewing area and stable vision when moving around or walking up and down stairs. 

Hoyalux iD Balansis technologies

Advanced technologies for more wearers.

View Xpansion Technology

Large, clear vision fields at all distances.

Multiple corridor lengths

Improved visual performance, smooth switching between vision fields.

Freeform lens calculation & surfacing

Optimal visual performance for your patient’s exact prescription.

Swim and sway reduction

Feeling more secure when moving around.

"Recommendation is one thing, experience is another. I can recommend Hoya Vision in good conscience because I know that my colleague is going to have a fantastic experience."


Take care of your vision

Visit your optician regularly to have your eyes examined. In between examinations, if you notice a change in or are concerned about your eyesight, contact your nearest Hoya Vision optician.


Hoya Vision lenses offer vision correction and its coatings/treatments can also protect your eyes. Detecting and treating problems early can help maintain good vision for the rest of your life.

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(1)   ‘Filling in the Gaps in the Customer Journey’, Firefly qualitative research in four European countries, April 2016 and Millward Brown ‘User experiences with multifocal lenses, quantitative research in seven European countries. May 2013.