What you need to know about vision and sight correction.

Understanding vision


When consulting Eye Care Professionals, you're in good hands. They should know how to guide and advise you all the way to the prescription and spectacles that optimally meet your needs and preferences. However, to understand and actively take part in decisions along the way, it's good to know the basics and understand vision.

Healthy eyesight for life

Our eyes play a crucial role in almost everything we do, yet most of us take our vision for granted. Understanding how your eyesight works and how your eyes change over time will help you keep your vision healthy for a lifetime.

Eye anatomy

Older lady looking at tablet

Understand the main components that make up your eyes

Your eyes play a crucial role in almost everything you do. To understand how you're able to see the world around you, it's helpful to understand the basic anatomy of the human eye.

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Older lady looking at tablet

How eyesight works

Two men talking outdoors | Deux hommes discutant à l'extérieur

Focus on your vision

Your eyes allow you to see shapes, colors and movement as well as perceive distance, height and other variables around you. Learn more about how your eyesight works. 

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Two men talking outdoors | Deux hommes discutant à l'extérieur

Eyesight problems

Optometrist performing eye exam | Optométriste réalisant un examen de la vue

Identify common eyesight problems and how to correct them.

The most common eyesight problems are myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism. Learn about their causes, how to recognize them and how they can be corrected.

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Optometrist performing eye exam | Optométriste réalisant un examen de la vue

Eye diseases

Woman working in an office |  Femme travaillant dans un bureau

Keep your eyes healthy

Good vision plays a critical role in how you perform every day. By taking steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle and protect your eyes from stress and damage, you can avoid or alleviate many eye diseases. Read what you can do to keep your eyes healthy. 

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Woman working in an office |  Femme travaillant dans un bureau

Eye conditions

Man reading the newspaper enjoying his coffee | Homme lisant le journal en savourant son café

Know the signs

Your eyes are one of your most important organs. However, they are also susceptible to a number of environmental, genetic and age-related factors. Learn how to read the signs for possible eye conditions. 

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Man reading the newspaper enjoying his coffee | Homme lisant le journal en savourant son café

Protect your eyes

Woman with glasses leans over car door | Femme avec des lunettes se penchant sur la portière de la voiture.

Take care of your sight

Protecting your eyes is an essential part of maintaining good health. Since vision problems are often caused by age-related eye conditions or eye diseases, caring for your sight as you get older is particularly important. Learn here how you can protect your eyes. 

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Woman with glasses leans over car door | Femme avec des lunettes se penchant sur la portière de la voiture.

Take care of your vision

Visit your optician regularly to have your eyes examined. In between examinations, if you notice a change in or are concerned about your eyesight, contact your nearest Hoya Vision optician.


Hoya Vision lenses offer vision correction and its coatings/treatments can also protect your eyes. Detecting and treating problems early can help maintain good vision for the rest of your life.

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