The right tools for the right vision
Hoyalux WorkSmart Room

The right tools for the right vision
Improve your portfolio with occupational lenses that offer a solution for patients who need perfection at work and more focus for their day job or spare time. Hoyalux WorkSmart Room is an occupational lens for indoor usage at near and intermediate distances.
Easy adaptation, unprecedented wide visual fields, optimized intermediate field for the pleasant use of digital devices.
Perfect & effortless focusing, constant stability and excellent depth of vision
for more comfortable vision through reduction of distortions that minimize the swaying effects.
Precise and effortless focusing, depth of vision and stability.
for reduced distortion and smooth transition across distances.
Large, clear vision fields at all distances.
At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.