An advanced alternative to reading glasses

An advanced alternative to reading glasses
Improve your portfolio with occupational lenses that offer a solution for patients who need perfection at work and more depth of vision for near activities. SUPEREADER offers more visual range, when compared to single vision lenses, while still allowing wearers to enjoy a wide near visual field at the same time.
More than ever, patients are using their eyes at close to intermediate distances.* But some of them might require a more specific solution for visual tasks at close proximity or want to have more distance coverage as compared to off-the-shelf reading glasses. SUPEREADER is a solution for them. It can also be a very good alternative for progressive wearers who only focus on the near distance and on single tasks without change in visual focus, e.g. reading, using one digital device only.
Natural head posture with less eye rotation for near work.
At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.