
Hoya’s successful spherical design

A sensible choice for low power corrections.

It is available in a wide choice of materials and coating treatments. 

Young man relaxing at the park | Jeune homme se relaxant au parc

Meeting your patients’ needs.

Single vision lens wearers that require edge to edge performance from their lenses but also want a cost effective option.

Young man relaxing at the park | Jeune homme se relaxant au parc


Nulux Trueform

Nulux iDentity V+

Hoya Trueform Technology

TrueForm Technology uses 3-dimensional coordinates to optimise the prescription values on the back of the lens. During the manufacturing process the calculation software provides many thousands of data points to produce the back surface accurately. As every pixel on the lens surface now has its own calculation value, each individual prescription can be uniquely cut into the lens surface.


In other words, no matter what your patient’s prescription, they are always ensured of an optimal visual performance for their personal situation.

Hilux technologies

HOYA advanced technologies designed for your patient’s needs.

Clarity Enhancer

Widens the clear visual field in all directions which improves clarity with finer surfacing and gives higher optical accuracy.

Image of optician holding a trial frame

Hilux lenses offers you, the Eye Care Professional:

  • High adaptation and satisfaction ratio
  • Easy to order; no extra parameters required
Image of optician holding a trial frame

Request more information about our products

At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.

Image of optician holding a lens

How to Sell Lens Coatings

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