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What 3,350 ECPs have to say: insights from HOYA’s latest lens survey

Recently, HOYA invited 3,350 eye care providers (ECPs) to test our newest lenses for six months. Their feedback? Incredibly positive! From improved vision quality to enhanced comfort, ECPs shared their insights, and the results are now available.



To learn more, download our one-pager for all the details and see how HOYA lenses can transform your practice. 

The HOYA trial sample lens survey: what we learned 

At HOYA, we believe the best way to demonstrate the value of our lenses is through real-world feedback. That’s why we provided hundreds of ECPs with sample lenses and asked for their honest thoughts. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the standout findings:



These are just a few examples of how HOYA lenses performed in the field. To dive deeper into the complete survey results—including insights on other popular products like Sync III®, MySV, and more—be sure to check out the one-pager. 


What ECPs are saying  

Along with the statistics, we received some fantastic testimonials from ECPs about their experience with our lenses. Here’s a preview: 


  • Meiryo EX4: “Have noticed an improvement with the new Meiryo EX4 coating. Was very happy with previous lenses with EX3 and EX3+, but the Meiryo EX4 is even better.” 
  • Sensity® 2: “I love the green Sensity lenses. [They] give me great visual clarity without skewing color.” 
  • Phoenix® Lens Material: “The material is very light. Usually, I cannot wear glasses due to the weight, but these don't give me any trouble.” 


We’re proud to see such positive feedback from the ECPs who put our lenses to the test. Their insights help reinforce the value HOYA lenses bring to both practices and patients. 


Experience the HOYA difference 

If you’re an ECP and curious about how HOYA lenses compare, we’d love for you to see the results for yourself. Reach out to your local sales consultant to be included in a future survey to experience firsthand how HOYA lenses can elevate your practice and patient care.