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Thoughts, tips and facts about lenses
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Why your long-term vision needs your current attention
Struggling with blurred vision or eye strain up close? It could be first signs of presbyopia. Discover how HOYA’s VisuPro lenses deliver clear, comfortable vision at all distances.
The do’s and dont’s when looking after your lenses
Helpful tips for maintaining your lenses and ensuring a longer lifespan.
Do you know of the most common eye diseases?
You should take care of your eyes and get your eyesight tested regularly. Between regular check-ups you should be aware of any changes to your sight. Here is a list of the most common eye diseases and how you can detect them.
Aren’t all prescription lenses the same?
You have seen it before. All the seducing offers. "Buy the frames and get the prescription lens for free". "Buy one and get one for free". "Now 50% off". It seems like bargains but are they really? How could this be? Is there a difference between the cheap offers and the full-service offer from your optician?
Take care of your eyes!
Close your eyes for a minute. Make yourself a cup of coffee with your eyes still closed. Or, send an email to a friend. It's not until you can’t see you really understand the true value of your eyes. Yet, we take them for granted. Here are some things to think about…
8 tips for protecting your eyes and keeping them healthy
Sometimes we tend to forget how much we depend on our vision. Close your eyes for a few minutes and try to to do what you were just doing... There are good reasons as to why we should take care of our sight.
How to choose lenses for your glasses
It all starts with your prescription. It will tell you what type of lens you need but there are still many choices to be made by you. This is a short overview of lenses. Hopefully it will give you some guidance.
Why should you choose a lens treatment for your glasses?
There are many types of lens treatments and they always come with a cost. Why should you pay for something that may or may not work ? How do you know it works for you? Here are a few lens treatment tips for you.
Can I take my prescription from one optician to another?
There might be different reasons as to why you may want to change your optician. Sometimes it is about new inspiration. Other times it could be convenient to have your optician in your local area. Regardless of reason, you are free to choose. You can take your prescription from one optician to another optician.
What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a common eyesight problem. It causes a blurred image which can be corrected in most cases. Here is how it works.
Parental awareness: children’s eyesight and glasses
How to determine the best age at which to identify problems related to vision in young children? There are many children who struggle with undiagnosed eyesight issues, which may have consequences for their development and learning performance. It is therefore crucial to identify and detect potential vision problem at any early stage. Experience has shown that regular check-ups are very useful.
Why do you need longer arms as you grow older?
You might have experienced it yourself, your arms are not long enough and you can’t read a book or text on your tablet as easily as before. Starting at about the age of 40, your eyesight starts changing. It is called presbyopia. This is what happens.