MiYOSMART: a gyermekkori rövidlátás (myopia) kezelésének okos módszere


How to get MiYOSMART lenses

You can find your local optician that dispenses MiYOSMART on our Find Optician page by entering your postcode and selecting the MiYOSMART tab.

Image of children wearing classes within a classroom

What is myopia?

Nothing is more important than the health and wellbeing of your child, now and in the future, you want to see your child thrive and that’s the key: seeing. You may have noticed your child struggling to see clearly at a distance, making it harder to concentrate at school and have a fulfilling experience at play. Your child may have myopia.

Image of children wearing classes within a classroom

Myopia is a global concern

The incidence of myopia is expected to increase significantly as lifestyle changes, with children taking part in more near-work activities like using digital devices, studying, reading and spending less time outdoors. Hereditary, behavioural and environmental factors also play a part.

Being able to have your child’s myopia diagnosed early not only corrects their vision now, but can help slow the progression of myopia and preserve their vision and eye health for the future.

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Hogyan működik a MiYOSMART?

A hongkongi Polytechnológiai Egyetem által végzett élvonalbeli kutatás kimutatta, hogy a myopia előrehaladása kezelhető: a tiszta látás és a folyamatos myopiás defókusz egyidejű biztosításával.

A gyermek aktív életmódjára tervezve

A MiYOSMART könnyen letörölhető speciális, tükröződésgátló, tartós bevonattal van ellátva. Az Eye Shieldnek köszönhetően a fiatal betegek megkapják azt a fokozott biztonságot, amelyet az ütésálló anyag és az UV-védelem kínál.

MiYOSMART Eye Shield

• Ütésálló
• Vékony és könnyű
• UV-védelemmel

Care beyond the lens

Spend time outdoors.

Research showed that spending time outdoors may reduce risk of myopia and its progression.


Seek regular eye care.

Make sure that your child has regular eye examinations to ensure that myopia or other vision problems are detected and treated early, reducing the worsening of vision, myopia progression and potential complications of high myopia.


Take regular breaks.

Reduce your child’s eye strain by reminding him or her to take breaks from intensive screen time or near-work.