MiYOSMART is niet in alle landen, inclusief de VS, goedgekeurd voor de behandeling van myopie. Het is momenteel niet in alle landen te koop, met inbegrip van de VS.
In sommige gevallen zijn MiYOSMART brillenglazen mogelijk niet geschikt als oplossing voor oogaandoeningen vanwege aangeboren afwijkingen, ziekten, reeds aanwezige medische aandoeningen en/of gevorderde leeftijd van de brildragers. Dit document bevat uitsluitend algemene informatie en dient op geen enkele wijze te worden opgevat als medisch advies.
De aanbevelingen op deze website zijn bedoeld voor oogzorgprofessionals. De oogzorgprofessional moet verzekeren dat het gebruik van de aanbevolen procedure toegelaten is in het land waar hij zijn praktijk uitoefent. De geschiktheid van elke aanbevolen procedure voor de patiënt wordt door de oogzorgprofessional beoordeeld op basis van zijn persoonlijke professionele oordeel.
1. Ho CL, Wu WF, Liou YM. Dose-Response Relationship of Outdoor Exposure and Myopia Indicators: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Various Research Methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(14):2595.
2. HOYA data on file. Harris Interactive: HOYA Vision Care concept testing – MiYOSMART Sun. 07/2022.
3. Jonas JB, Ang M, Cho P, et al. IMI prevention of myopia and its progression. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(5):6.
4. WSPOS. Myopia Survey Data. November 2022. Presented as part of WSPOS Symposium: Comprehensive Update on Myopia Management.19-20 November 2022. Available from: http://forum.wspos.org/symposium-part-1-comprehensive-update-on-myo[1]pia-management-2 (Last accessed: 20/02/2023).
5. WSPOS. Sunlight Exposure & Children’s Eyes Consensus Statement. 2016. Available at: https://www.wspos.org/wspos-sunlight-exposure-childrens-eyes-consensus-statement/(Last accessed 20/02/2023).
6. Prevent Blindness. Children’s Eyes are More Susceptible to Long-Term Damage from UV Rays. 2011. Available at: https://preventblindness.org/childrens-eyes-are-more-susceptible-to-long-term-damage-from-uv-rays/ (Last accessed 20/02/2023).
7. Artigas JM, Felipe A, Navea A, Fandiño A, Artigas C. Spectral transmission of the human crystalline lens in adult and elderly persons: color and total transmission of visible light. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53(7):4076-4084.
8. Li FF, Yam JC. Low-Concentration Atropine Eye Drops for Myopia Progression. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2019;8(5):360-365.
9. Gong Q, Janowski M, Luo M, et al. Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Atropine in Childhood Myopia: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017;135(6):624-630.
10. Wu PC, Chuang MN, Choi J, et al. Update in myopia and treatment strategy of atropine use in myopia control. Eye (Lond). 2019;33(1):3-13.
11. HOYA data on file. Transmission, traffic light recognition, and UV blocking test for MiYOSMART clear and polarized lenses. 02/2023.Tests were conducted at room temperature (23°C).
12. HOYA data on file. PSF test on MiYOSMART clear and sun spectacle lenses. 06/2022.
13. HOYA data on file. Lens performance validation test for MiYOSMART photochromic lenses – activation and deactivation. 02/2023. Tests were conducted at room temperature (23°C).
14. HOYA data on file. Transmission, traffic light recognition, and UV blocking test for MiYOSMART clear and photochromic lenses. 02/2023. Tests were conducted at room temperature (23°C).
15. Lakkis C, Weidemann K. Evaluation of the performance of photochromic spectacle lenses in children and adolescents aged 10 to 15 years. Clin Exp Optom. 2006;89(4):246-252.
16. Renzi-Hammond LM, Hammond BR Jr. The effects of photochromic lenses on visual performance. Clin Exp Optom. 2016;99(6):568-574.
17. Wu PC, Kuo HK. Effect of photochromic spectacles on visual symptoms and contrast sensitivity of myopic schoolchildren treated with low dose concentration atropine. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:2484.
18. Quintana MS, Langa A, del Moral-Martinez I, et al. Polarized Filters Enhance Contrast Sensitivity When Glare Is Produced On A Flat Surface Under Photopic Conditions. Invest Ophthalmol Vis S ci. 2006;47(13):1225
19. Lam CSY, Tang WC, Tse DY, et al. Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomised clinical trial. Br J Ophthalmol. 2020;104(3):363-368.