Individualised progressive lenses for clarity and constant focus

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+


Vision in harmony

Everyone’s eyes are uniquely individual. Our lifestyles and activities also determine our ideal progressive lens design.

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ is a progressive lens that uses Binocular Harmonization Technology to ensure the right correction at each point in the lens for instantly clear vision and focus. It also uses the Hoya iDentifier to let you personalise each lens to ensure stable vision for your patient’s individual needs.

Man sitting playing his guitar | Homme assis jouant de la guitare

Identify your patient’s needs

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ uses the innovative Hoya iDentifier to personalise each lens to your patient’s personal needs                                                                           

With the HOYA iDentifier, you can record all elements of the wearer’s lifestyle that can influence the lens design for near, intermediate and distnace areas, step by step to the greatest detail.

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ lenses incorporate these calculations to provide the ideal design for each patient's needs. This creates virtually an unlimited number of design variations, guaranteeing a personalised profile even with the most extreme visual demands.

Man sitting playing his guitar | Homme assis jouant de la guitare

Satisfaction for progressive lens wearers

Satisfaction for progressive lens wearers 

HOYA research among 1,415 progressive lens wearers demonstrated that there are five key aspects that contribute most to wearer satisfaction:

  • Ease of switching between distance and near areas
  • Ease of finding the reading area
  • Viewing comfort while reading
  • Clarity of image
  • Ease of adaptation

The same research showed that 30% of users are worried about not being able to adapt to their new progressive glasses2.

Standard progressive lens

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+

Hoyalux iD MySelf

Balancing differences for better focus

Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision.                                     

73% of presbyopes have a different prescription for each eye.1 Binocular Harmonization Technology balances the additional power difference between them. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the unwanted prismatic effect at the periphery of the lens. This significantly reduces distortion and swaying effects along all dimensions whilst being easy to adapt to and giving more accurate vision corrections.

Ensuring the best performance for what your patients want most

Binocular Harmonization Technology

Perfect & effortless focusing, constant stability and excellent depth of vision

Lifestyle customisation

Optimimum performance for your patient’s lifestyle.

Binocular Harmonisation Technology

Precise and effortless focusing, depth of vision and stability.

Inset optimisation

Improved and wider intermediate and near vision fields.

Binocular Eye Model

for the best binocular vision and harmonized images possible

Hoya iDentifier

100% individual lenses tailored to the patients exact vision needs.

Request more information about our products

At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.

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(1) Hoya data: European progressive lens orders 2007-2013

(2) Millward Brown “User experiences with multifocal lenses, quantitative research in seven European countries” n = 1415, May 2013