The right tools for the right vision

Hoyalux WorkSmart Room

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See better, work better

Improve your portfolio with occupational lenses that offer a solution for patients
who need perfection at work and more focus for their day job or spare time. Hoyalux WorkSmart Room is an occupational lens for indoor usage at near and intermediate distances. Providing a perfect partnership to entry level progressive lenses such as Amplitude Plus.

Architect working at his desk | Architecte travaillant à son bureau

Meeting your patients’ needs

Providing wider fields of vision, Hoyalux WorkSmart Room lenses are designed for close activites indoors. Available in two design variations, you can tailor the lens to your patient's near activity requirements. Allowing your patients to focus more on their activity with greater comfort and range. 

Architect working at his desk | Architecte travaillant à son bureau

Hoyalux WorkSmart Room technologies

Optimised visual performance


Natural head posture with less eye rotation for near work.

Swim and sway reduction

Feeling more secure when moving around.

Image of optician holding a lens

Hoyalux WorkSmart Room can offer you, the Eye Care Professional:

  • Provide higher patient satisfaction by offering an additional pair of glasses that contributes to patient comfort at work or home in near or intermediate distance vision scenarios
  • Maximise sales opportunities and potential by offering a second pair of lenses
Image of optician holding a lens

Request more information about our products

At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.

Image of optician holding a lens

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